Millennials (Y Generation) and the Elderly.
The generation gap is so real.Recently, I had some conversation with my dad and aunt on this issue. Seriously there's a lot of pessimistic views towards the millennials. I would categorise myself in the overlapping zone of both generations.
"Kalau suruh buat kerja asyik jawab x reti"
"Gaji nak banyak tapi malas buat kerja"
"Generasi korang ni x respect orang"
"Common sense kurang budak2 sekarang ni"-quoted from everyone
Honestly, I think what shaped the millennials would be the hands of the elderly, thus we are fully responsible on the after effect.
I would like to highlight two contributing factors which are:
1) The upbringing of the generation by the parents
2) The technology era
Let's not put the full blame on them. I am not trying to be generation biased or whatsoever, but let's just face it - it's a fact.
There are better ways to harmonise and develop the good values in them which is the involvement of the elderly. This generation needs guidance so guide them with love.
Personally, I appreciate those who gave advice and talked through their experience with me. It grows me.
Instead of blaming each other, we might as well work together and acknowledge the qualities that both generations have.
To look at reality, millennials are fresh with their minds and are able to reach for the future generations. The elders need to give add-on values to this generation which are brought up in a completely different environment.
From my point of view, especially as daie, I do think it is the essence for both generations to team up and make a change for the ummah. It's time to groom the millennials.And STAY POSITIVE along the way :)
Patience is the key. Never lose hope in the millennials. They are the future assets to pursue the legacy.
As for the millennials, it's time to absorb all the knowledge, experiences and moral values from the elderly while they are still around. Our generation definitely needs the supplies. We have to make a change within ourselves before changing the world.
"..Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves..."(13.Ar-Ra'd:11)
Source: Google Images
Source: Youtube
Forever my favourite speaker who talks about the millennials. :)
p/s: Spread the awareness on the importance of the empowerment of the millennials
~Di bumi Nottingham ini aku mengenal Allah~