Saturday, August 12, 2017

The struggle is so real!

 “Kakak this, kakak that. Nanti abah and mak nak pi KL kakak bawak pi sini, pi sana.”

The perk of graduating. Life does not get easier. Kalau dulu, commitment yang paling besar selain dnt is only study. Orang takkan interfere sbb acknowledge yang kita tengah study. But now, the table completely flips. You are expected to give all the time to everything else. Even the people at work would say “You have nothing to do right on weekends, still single. So can you come?”. Families expect us to entertain them more. Which is okay. The only problem is when you are stuck in the middle between choosing. It’s not the matter of “neraca”, but to have that strong principle to deal with that situation. Saying “NO” to other people suddenly gets so hard as you are prone to having the same mentalities as theirs.

At the same time, all sorts of expectations and big responsibilities appear in DnT as well.  I would say multilevel new phase to adapt to. Allah tests us within our capabilities. Sometimes, it’s the matter of time and effort for us to find that amount of strength to face the struggles.

Lesson learnt, no one, I repeat NO ONE can ever understand the exact situation we’re in except our self and Allah. Other people can try to understand or simply judge, but never understand 100% of the situation. Thus. Never lose hope in Allah, never let go of Him as He is the only Provider of strength.

I keep telling myself, none of these are burdens or problems, instead they are blessings from Allah to increase my isti’ab and to strengthen my principles in the path chosen.

In the end, ni semua ujian yang Allah bagi untuk kita sendiri nilai level keimanan kita dekat mana dan sejauh mana kecintaan kita kepada dakwah dan tarbiyyah ni. The only expectation to fulfil is Allah’s. Khalas. When you see the big reason why you are still struggling, Allah will give us the strength. Once a fighter, always a fighter. Once a QS, always a QS. Change only for the better me.

“Life doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger” 

Dan orang-orang yang berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh kerana memenuhi kehendak agama Kami, sesungguhnya Kami akan memimpin mereka ke jalan-jalan Kami (yang menjadikan mereka bergembira serta beroleh keredaan); dan sesungguhnya (pertolongan dan bantuan) Allah adalah berserta orang-orang yang berusaha membaiki amalannya.(Al-Ankabut 29:69) 

Moga Allah teruskan membersihkan kita dalam jalan dakwah tarbiyyah ini, bukan dibersihkan darinya. Nauzubillahi min dzalik. 

p/s: Barakallahu fik to those giving endless motivations and supports despite them having struggles as well. Maybe this is why one of the keys to the winning of Islam is ukhwah. When you have this kind of Allah sent support, who can ever defeat you? 


~Di bumi Nottingham ini aku mengenal Allah~

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